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Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance [No Health Questions & No Medical Exam Required]

guaranteed issue life insurance

Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance is a type of insurance policy that offers coverage without requiring any medical exams or health questions. It’s a popular option for people who may not qualify for traditional life insurance due to their age, health conditions, or other factors.

This type of insurance policy is easy to apply for, offers guaranteed acceptance, and has a quick policy issuance process.  But this doesn’t automatically mean that a guaranteed issue life insurance policy is going to be the right fit for you!

In this article, we will explore the features, benefits, and limitations of Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance, as well as provide guidance on how to choose the right policy for your needs. We will also discuss the importance of considering Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance as an option for those who may not be eligible for other types of life insurance.

What is Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance?

Life Insurance Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance is a type of life insurance policy that does not require any medical exams or health questions to be answered by the applicant. This means that anyone who applies for the policy will be accepted regardless of their health status, age, or any other factors that may disqualify them from other types of life insurance policies. Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance policies are designed to provide coverage for people who may not be eligible for other types of life insurance policies due to their health or age.

How Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance works:

Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance works by providing a death benefit to the policyholder’s beneficiaries upon their death. The policyholder pays premiums on a regular basis, and when they pass away, their beneficiaries receive a lump sum payout. Since Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance policies do not require any medical exams or health questions, the premiums for these policies are generally higher than those of traditional life insurance policies. The amount of coverage provided by a Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance policy is usually lower than that of a traditional life insurance policy.

Features of Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance:

One of the most significant features of Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance is that it offers guaranteed acceptance to applicants, regardless of their health status. This makes it an attractive option for people who have been denied coverage in the past due to health concerns.

Another feature of Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance is the easy application process, which can usually be completed online or over the phone. The policy issuance process for Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance policies is also generally quick, with some policies being issued in as little as 24 hours.

However, it’s important to note that Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance policies come with waiting periods before the death benefit can be paid out (referred to as a graded death benefit), and they generally do not offer cash value accumulation (or meaningful cash value accumulation).

Who is Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance for?

The target audience for Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance includes people who have been denied coverage for traditional life insurance policies due to their age or health status. It may also be a good option for people who need coverage quickly or who do not want to go through the hassle of a medical exam or health questions.

Who can benefit from Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance?

Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance can be beneficial for a variety of people, including seniors who may be considered high-risk due to their age, individuals with pre-existing health conditions, and people who may have been declined coverage in the past.

Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance may be a good option for certain people Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance may be a good option for people who have been declined coverage for traditional life insurance policies, as it offers guaranteed acceptance without the need for a medical exam or health questions. This makes it an attractive option for seniors or people with pre-existing health conditions who may not qualify for other types of coverage.

Additionally, the easy application process and quick policy issuance can be beneficial for people who need coverage quickly or who do not want to go through a lengthy underwriting process.

Benefits of Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance

Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance can be a valuable option for individuals who have been declined coverage for traditional life insurance policies. With its unique features and benefits, Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance can provide peace of mind and coverage for those who need it most. Here are some of the benefits that come with a Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance policy.

No medical exams or health questions

One of the most significant benefits of Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance is that it does not require any medical exams or health questions to be answered by the applicant. This makes it an attractive option for people who may have health issues that would prevent them from being approved for other types of life insurance policies. Additionally, not having to go through a medical exam or answer health questions can save time and make the application process less stressful.

Guaranteed acceptance

Another benefit of Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance is that it offers guaranteed acceptance to anyone who applies for the policy. This means that applicants will not be denied coverage based on their, health status, or any other factors that may disqualify them from other types of life insurance policies provided of course that they are a US citizen, reside in a state where guaranteed issue life insurance policies are offered and the meet the age requirements. This can provide peace of mind for individuals who may have been declined coverage in the past.

Easy application process

Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance policies generally have an easy application process that can be completed online or over the phone. This makes it convenient for people who may not have the time or energy to go through a lengthy underwriting process. The application process is typically straightforward and can be completed in a matter of minutes.

Quick policy issuance

Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance policies can usually be issued quickly, with some policies being issued in as little as 24 hours. This can be beneficial for people who need coverage quickly, such as to cover final expenses or debts.  That said, however, full coverage won’t exist until the graded death benefit has expired (typically 2 to 3 years after the policy is purchased).

High-risk coverage

Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance policies are designed to provide coverage for people who may be considered high-risk due to their age or health status. This can be beneficial for seniors or individuals with pre-existing health conditions who may not qualify for other types of life insurance policies.

Affordable premiums

Although premiums for Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance policies are generally higher than those of traditional life insurance policies, they can still be affordable. This can be especially true for people who only need a small amount of coverage. Additionally, since Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance policies offer guaranteed acceptance, the premiums are generally not based on the applicant’s health status or age, which can make them more affordable for people who may have health issues.

Limitations of Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance

While Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance can be a valuable option for many individuals, it is important to understand the limitations that come with these policies. Here are some of the potential drawbacks of Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance to consider before making a decision.

Lower coverage amounts

One of the limitations of Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance is that it typically offers lower coverage amounts compared to other types of life insurance policies. This is because the policies are designed to provide coverage to high-risk individuals who may not be eligible for traditional life insurance policies. As a result, the coverage amounts may not be sufficient for individuals who need a larger policy to cover expenses such as mortgage payments or education costs.

Higher premiums

Another limitation of Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance is that the premiums are generally higher than those of other types of life insurance policies. This is because the policies offer guaranteed acceptance to anyone who applies, regardless of their health status or age. As a result, the insurance company is taking on a higher risk, which is reflected in the higher premiums.

Waiting periods

Most (if not all) Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance policies have a waiting period (referred to as a graded death benefit) before the full death benefit is paid out. This waiting period can range from one to two years and is designed to prevent people from taking out policies shortly before they pass away. If the policyholder dies during the waiting period, the beneficiary may only receive a partial payout or no payout at all.

No cash value

Unlike other types of life insurance policies, Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance policies do not have a cash value component. This means that policyholders cannot borrow against the policy or cash it out if they no longer need the coverage.  Some guaranteed issue life insurance policies may contain a cash value accumulation, but in general, the cash accumulation will be so slow, one should not anticipate any meaningful benefit from it.

No underwriting

While the lack of underwriting is a benefit of Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance, it can also be a limitation. Since the insurance company does not have information about the applicant’s health status or other risk factors, the premiums are generally higher to account for the increased risk. Additionally, without underwriting, the insurance company may not be able to accurately determine the appropriate coverage amount, which can lead to underinsurance or over-insurance.

How to choose a Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance policy

When choosing a Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance policy, it is important to consider several factors. First, you should determine the coverage amount you need to meet your financial obligations and take care of your loved ones after you pass away. Additionally, you should consider the waiting period for the policy, as well as the premiums and any other fees associated with the policy. Finally, you should consider the financial stability and reputation of the insurance company offering the policy.

Comparison of different Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance policies

There are many different Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance policies available on the market, each with its own unique features and benefits. To choose the right policy for you, it is important to compare the coverage amounts, waiting periods, premiums, and other terms and conditions of each policy. You may also want to read customer reviews and ratings to learn more about the experiences of other policyholders.

Best Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance Companies

The top 5 best companies offering guaranteed issue life insurance policies are:

Several insurance companies offer no-health-questions life insurance for individuals aged 50-80, providing coverage from $5,000 to $25,000. These policies also include cash value whole life insurance that can be borrowed against or used to pay premiums for a limited period. However, it’s important to note that these policies typically have a graded death benefit, which means that if the policyholder passes away due to natural causes within the first two years of coverage, the death benefit will be limited.

How to find the right Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance policy for you

To find the right Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance policy for you, it can be helpful to work with an experienced insurance agent or broker who specializes in these types of policies. They can help you compare policies from multiple insurers and provide guidance on selecting the right coverage amount and policy features to meet your needs. Additionally, you can research different policies and insurers online, and request quotes and information directly from the insurance companies. By taking the time to research and compare your options, you can find a Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance policy that provides the coverage you need at a price you can afford.

Final thoughts…

Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance can be a valuable option for many individuals who are unable to obtain traditional life insurance coverage. While it may come with some limitations, such as lower coverage amounts and higher premiums, it provides a guaranteed way to obtain coverage without undergoing a medical exam or answering health questions. By considering the factors outlined in this article, you can find a Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance policy that meets your needs and provides the coverage you need to protect your loved ones.

2 comments… add one
  • Doe W. November 18, 2020, 1:14 am

    I provide support for my 2 elder sisters- Pam is 73 and in a care facility in NJ, Deb is 71 in senior housing in MA and our family burial plot is in NY. I want to take out a small immediate full payout policy on each so I can have the resources to pay for cremation and transit of items to me for a later trip home with them to the family plot if things happen during COVID times and I cannot travel now. I would appreciate information on this option
    Many thanks

    • IBUSA November 18, 2020, 12:47 pm


      It sounds like you are looking to purchase a life insurance policy that each of your sisters would need to be able to “medically qualify” for. For this reason, it would be best for you to give us a call so that we can learn a little bit more about each one of your sister’s medical “status” before we make any assumptions about what they may or may not be able to qualify for.



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