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How long does Marijuana Stay in Your System (for those applying for life insurance)

how long does marijuana stay in your system

As society becomes more accepting of marijuana use, we have observed a growing number of life insurance applicants from diverse backgrounds testing positive for its use during routine drug screenings.

In some cases, the positive result may surprise the applicant, as they may not be regular users. However, there are instances when the applicant may have failed to disclose their use of Marijuana, either because they did not think it was relevant or because a licensed physician prescribed it to them, leading them to believe it was not a cause for concern.

In either situation…

What usually happens next is the client wants to know what his or her options are and…

“How long does Marijuana stay in one’s system?”

Presumably, because they will want to wait that long until applying for life insurance again, a strategy that we don’t necessarily recommend, for reasons that we discuss here in this article, is titled: qualify for life insurance with marijuana use.

Now, without going…

Into great detail in this article about why it’s not all that great of an idea to wait until the Marijuana that you used is out of your system; it is because, once you’ve tested positive for Marijuana, this information is shared within an insurance database that most insurance companies (if not all) will have access to.

A better option…

It is to start from scratch, and if you didn’t apply with a “marijuana-friendly” insurance company, choose to do so the second time around, especially if you have been denied life insurance by the original insurance company or charged an extra premium due to your marijuana use.

The good news is, that there are several top-rated life insurance companies aren’t going to be too strict when it comes to applying for coverage as a marijuana user. Heck, you may even qualify for a no-medical exam life insurance policy as well. This is why, rather than focus on how long Marijuana can last in your system, you should focus more on which life insurance companies aren’t going to care about it!

But, since we here at IBUSA…

Having been in the insurance game for a long time, we know there will still be those of you out there reading this who still want to take a chance and fool the system, so let’s attempt to answer the question, how long will Marijuana stay in your system in a way that will make it clear to you that you may be enlisting yourself on a fools’ errand.

How long will Marijuana stay in your system?

As Marijuana has begun to become legalized in many states for both medicinal and recreational use, many of the rules and regulations regarding its use have become about as confusing as the rationale each state has taken regarding how they will govern its use. This is why when someone finds themselves in a situation where they may need to take a drug test, knowing how long Marijuana can stay in one’s system can become a fundamental question one needs to know the answer to.

The only problem is, what does one mean when they use the term “system”?

  • Are we talking about one’s urine?
  • Or are we talking about one’s blood?

Blood vs. Urine

Regardless of “why” you may be asked to take a drug test, it’s essential to understand that the main component and drug test is going to look for is called THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol. THC is the psychoactive component of Marijuana. It usually keeps people high anywhere from a few hours to a day. A day, however, is super rare – and in cases like these, it’s usually only going to apply to edibles, which tend to release the THC into one’s system slowly over time.

That said, however…

The length of time traces of THC stays in your system is much, much more. This means that long after the psychoactive effect wears off, you’ll still have THC in your system.   And as a result, it will still be “detectable” within your system.

Ways Insurance Companies Check for Marijuana Usage

There are two ways to check for THC: Urine samples or blood samples.

In a urine test, THC might be detected 30-45 days after you use Marijuana.

With a blood test, it can be even longer: 60-75 days

What determines length of time in your system?

Several factors can influence how long Marijuana can stay in your system:

  • The amount of Marijuana you have used: The more Marijuana you have used, the longer it is likely to be detectable in your system.
  • The frequency of use: The more often you use Marijuana, the longer it is likely to be detectable in your system.
  • The method of ingestion: Smoking Marijuana typically results in a shorter detection window than consuming Marijuana orally, such as in edibles or capsules. This is because when Marijuana is smoked, the THC is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, resulting in a relatively short half-life (the time it takes for the body to eliminate half of the drug). When Marijuana is consumed orally, it is metabolized by the liver, which can result in a longer detection window.
  • Your metabolism and individual physiological factors: Individual differences in metabolism can affect how quickly Marijuana is metabolized and eliminated from the body. Factors such as age, weight, and overall health can also influence metabolism and the length of time marijuana is detectable in the body.
  • Your body mass index (BMI): People with a higher body mass index (BMI) may have a longer detection window for Marijuana, as THC is stored in body fat.
  • The specific type of Marijuana and its THC content: Different types of Marijuana can have different levels of THC, the psychoactive compound in Marijuana. The higher the THC content, the longer it may be detectable in the body.

It’s important to note that drug testing is complex and can vary widely depending on the specific test used, the cutoff levels for the test, and the testing laboratory. If you have concerns about drug testing, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional or a drug testing laboratory.

So, it’s safe to assume that…

The above numbers reflect the outer limits – the worst-case scenario—however, if you are taking a drug test, do you really want to mess around? If you do, then other studies show Marijuana only stays in the urine for up to 14 days and in blood for a month. You can decide, though, if you want to take the risk!

CBD and Drug Tests

CBD is a non-psychoactive part of the hemp plant. People take CBD drops, capsules, or gummies to help with pain, stress, and much more. This is legal in all 50 states when it has zero THC. Most commonly used drug tests do not detect this compound.

But it’s important to note that…

Some CBD products have trace amounts of THC in them, which might be detected by a drug test. To avoid having any THC in your system, be sure that you are taking 100% THC-free CBD.

Do insurance companies care if you use Marijuana? 

Alcohol and cigarettes are legal, but insurance companies still ask you if you drink or smoke. Likewise, even though Marijuana may be legal in your state, an insurance company is still likely to ask you if you use it. In addition to asking you directly about marijuana use, an insurance company might:

  • Ask you for a drug test. Even if you come clean in the drug test, they still may use other methods to determine if you use Marijuana.
  • Look at medical records. Perhaps it states somewhere in a medical history that you use or have used Marijuana. This is something insurance companies might consider.
  • Checking MIB Reports. MIB stands for Medical Information Bureau. The MIB may have previous applications of yours where you have stated you use Marijuana (or you tested positive for marijuana use). Any new insurance company you apply through may use this against you or at least inquire about more information from you.
  • Check the prescription database. If you have been a medicinal medical marijuana cardholder or have ever been prescribed medicinal Marijuana by a doctor, then an insurance company might find out through this database. Yes, they can legally obtain information through this route.

Life insurance options for marijuana users

Life insurance policies are generally based on an individual’s overall health and lifestyle, and marijuana use may be considered part of this assessment. Some life insurance companies may view marijuana use as a risk factor, similar to tobacco use, and may charge higher premiums or exclude coverage for individuals who use Marijuana.

If you are a marijuana user and are interested in obtaining life insurance, it’s important to be honest and forthcoming about your use when applying for a policy. Some companies may have more lenient policies when it comes to marijuana use, so it may be helpful to shop around and compare different options.

It’s also important to consider…

The potential impact of marijuana use on your overall health. Some studies have suggested that heavy, long-term marijuana use may be associated with an increased risk of specific health problems, including respiratory issues, mental health problems, and addiction. If you’re concerned about the potential impact of marijuana use on your health, it may be helpful to speak with a healthcare professional or a substance abuse specialist.

Ultimately, the best life insurance options for marijuana users will depend on the specific circumstances and needs of the individual. It’s important to consider all your options carefully and choose the right policy for you. The key is knowing which companies will and won’t insure you. And a big question to ask is…

Why do you use Marijuana?

 If you use Marijuana for recreational purposes, then it’s less likely to matter to an insurance carrier. However, if you are using it medicinally, then it indicates a health problem or the presence of some pre-existing medical condition. This can be an actual problem.

For example…

If you are taking medicinal Marijuana for back pain (or if you just thought that was an easy way to get a prescription), then you might not have “back pain” anywhere else in your medical history. But, because of the marijuana prescription, it’s there.

“Now, does “back pain” matter to an insurance company?”

It could be if they think it’s possible that back pain could be a symptom of an ailment rather than the ailment itself.

Any time you have a prescription – whether it is for Marijuana or an asthma inhaler – it’s going to make an insurance underwriter pay attention. After all, their entire job is to find out how healthy you are and the likelihood of you dying any time soon. Some other questions that will determine your eligibility for life insurance while using Marijuana are:

How frequently do you use Marijuana?

This will probably affect your rate. If you use Marijuana once a month, it’s probably no big deal at all. However, if you wake up and bake, things look slightly different to your potential life insurance company.

What kind of marijuana products do you consume? 

Just like smoking cigarettes, smoking Marijuana isn’t good for the lungs and could lead to other health complications. On the other hand, taking edibles hasn’t been proven to result in as many health complications. Therefore, if you smoke Marijuana, your rate may be higher.

The good news is that if you decide to give us a call here at IBUSA. In that case, chances are you’re going to have several different options to choose from rather than “hoping” that the insurance company isn’t able to figure out that you have used or are currently using Marijuana.

So, if you’re ready to see what options may be available, call us!

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