In this article, we aim to answer some of the most common questions we receive from individuals who are applying for life insurance after being diagnosed with Acromegaly or Hyperpituitarism.
The following questions will be addressed in this article:
- Can I qualify for life insurance after being diagnosed with Acromegaly?
- Why do life insurance companies consider a diagnosis of Acromegaly?
- What information will insurance companies request or be interested in?
- What rate or price can I expect to qualify for?
- What can I do to ensure that I get the best life insurance policy for my needs?
Without further delay, let us dive into these questions.
Can I qualify for life insurance after I’ve been diagnosed with Acromegaly?
Individuals who have been diagnosed with Acromegaly can often qualify for a traditional term or whole life insurance policy. In fact, some individuals may even qualify for a Preferred rate if they were diagnosed early and are not experiencing severe symptoms.
However, it is important to note that due to the complexity of this disease, applying for a life insurance policy that requires a medical exam is often the best option for qualifying for coverage. Applying for a no medical exam life insurance policy could result in denial of coverage for someone with a diagnosis of Acromegaly due to cautionary measures taken by insurance companies.
Why do life insurance companies care if I’ve been diagnosed with Acromegaly?
Life insurance companies are going to care if an individual has been diagnosed with Acromegaly because when left untreated, Acromegaly has the “potential” to cause some very serious complications. The most serious of which can involve a variety of different cardiovascular and respiratory complications.
The good news is…
That because Acromegaly is a hormonal disorder that develops when an individual’s pituitary gland produces too much growth hormones as an adult, there are certain symptoms that a life insurance underwriter can look for which will help them in determining how “serious” one’s case may be which in turn will help them in determining will and won’t be eligible for coverage.
Symptoms such as the rapid and abnormal growth of an individual’s face, hands and feet typically make this disease somewhat easy to diagnose.
Despite the fact that there currently isn’t any cure for Acromegaly, because it can be treated with several different medications and/or surgery options, which can potentially slow the progression of this disease, some insurance companies are not only going to be willing to approve someone who has been diagnosed with Acromegaly, some may even be willing to approve someone for a Standard or better rate!
What kind of information will the insurance companies ask me or be interested in?
The majority of life insurance companies will ask similar questions when it comes to a condition such as Acromegaly.
Common questions you’ll likely be asked may include:
- When were you first diagnosed with Acromegaly?
- Who diagnosed your Acromegaly? A general practitioner or a specialist?
- How old were you when you were first diagnosed with Acromegaly?
- What symptoms led you or your doctor to believe that you may be suffering from Acromegaly?
- What treatment options are you currently utilizing to treat your Acromegaly?
- If you’re currently using medications to treat your condition, what are those medications? And have any of them changed in the past 12 months?
- How is your disease progressing? Slowly, no change, or progressing rapidly?
- What symptoms do you suffer currently from your Acromegaly?
- Have you been diagnosed with any cardiovascular or respiratory issues?
- Have you ever suffered form a heart attack or stroke?
- What is your current height and weight?
- In the past 2 years, have you been hospitalized or any reason?
- In the past 12 months, have you used any form of tobacco or nicotine products?
- Are you currently working now?
- In the past 12 months, have you applied for or received any form of disability benefits?
Now at this point…
It’s probably a good idea to remind folks that while we here at IBUSA may seem like we know a lot about a particular medical condition, we are by no means medical professionals!
All we are is a bunch of life insurance agents who just happen to be really good at helping folks with pre-existing medical conditions like Acromegaly find and qualify for the life insurance coverage that they are looking for.
Which means that…
If you feel like you may need medical assistance or you find yourself trying to “self-diagnosis” yourself by using some of the information that you find on our website, please do yourself a favor and go and see a REAL doctor who will be able to provide you with REAL medical advice!
As for those…
Who are just looking for help finding and qualifying for a traditional life insurance policy, the good news is you’re definitely at the right place!
What rate (or price) can I qualify for?
As you can see, there are a lot of potential factors that can come into play when trying to determine what kind of “rate” that an individual who has been diagnosed with Acromegaly might be able to qualify for.
This is why it’s pretty much impossible to know for sure what kind of rate you might be able to qualify for without actually speaking with you directly.
That said however…
There are a few “assumptions” that we can make about folks who have been diagnosed with Acromegaly that will usually hold up and hopefully provide you with a general idea of what kind of “rate” you may be able to qualify for.
For example…
If you were able to diagnose your condition early on, and you don’t seem to be suffering from any of the more “serious” complications associated with this disease and it does not appear like this disease is preventing you from being able to live a “normal” life, there is a somewhat decent chance that you may be able to qualify for a Preferred rate assuming that you would otherwise be eligible.
Now as for…
Those who may not have been able to diagnose their disease right away or haven’t been completely successful in slowing down the progression of their disease, there is still a chance that you might be able to qualify for a traditional term or whole life insurance policy.
Only now, you probably won’t be able to qualify for a Preferred rate instead, you may have to settle for a Standard or a “sub-standard” rate, also commonly referred to as a Table Rate.
Table rates…
Are life insurance rates that are typically reserved for “higher risk” applicants and range from Table A, which would be considered the “best” or least expensive table rate, all the way to Table J which would be considered the “worst” or most expensive table rate.
And while…
This may not be the news you are looking for; we don’t want you to get too upset because the truth is, there are a lot of folks out there that are going to be in the same position as you and not because they were diagnosed with Acromegaly!
It could because…
They’ve been diagnosed with some other “kind” of a pre-existing medical condition, or they have a terrible driving record, or maybe it’s because they like traveling to some sort of dangerous location who knows!
But this is exactly…
Why we here at IBUSA work so hard to maintain relationships with dozens of different life insurance companies so that when we are approached by a client who may not be the “perfect” fit for a traditional term or whole life insurance policy, we’ll still have an option for them that may meet their needs.
This brings us to the last topic that we wanted to take a moment and discuss which is…
What can I do to help ensure that I get the “best life insurance” for me?
Probably the “best” thing that can do to help increase your chances of finding the “best” life insurance policy that you can qualify for is to first take your time!
This means that…
Before you just decide to apply for a life insurance policy, you should fully understand what your life insurance needs are.
You should also have a good idea about what options may be available to you, and you should be sure that the life insurance agent that you’re working with is not only experienced with helping folks with a pre-existing medical condition like yours find coverage but that he or she also has access to a wide variety of different life insurance products so that they aren’t forced to apply a…
“One size fits all approach”
To your needs.
The good news is…
That here at IBUSA, we have a ton of experience helping folks like yourself find the coverage that they are looking for at a price that they can afford!
We accomplish this by working very hard to provide our clients with dozens of different insurance options so that when it comes time to helping you find the best life insurance policy that you can qualify for, we should have a ton of options to choose from!
Now will we be able to help out everyone who has been previously diagnosed with an Acromegaly?
No, probably not. But what we can tell you is that in addition to offering a wide variety of different term and whole life insurance policies, IBUSA has also worked very hard to establish relationships with many of the Top 10 Best Final Expense Insurance Companies as well so that in the event that someone isn’t able to qualify for a traditional life insurance policy, chances are there may be some other “type” of product that you CAN qualify for.