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Life Insurance for Lumigan (Bimatoprost) Users. Everything You Need to Know at a Glance!

Life Insurance for Lumigan users.

In this article, we wanted to take a moment to answer some of the most common questions we get from folks applying for life insurance after they have been prescribed Lumigan (or its generic form Bimatoprost) to help treat symptoms of glaucoma. In some cases, it can even help folks grow their eyelashes.

Questions that will be directly addressed will include:

  • Can I qualify for life insurance after I’ve been prescribed Lumigan?
  • Why do life insurance companies care if I’ve been prescribed Lumigan?
  • What kind of information will the insurance companies ask me or be interested in?
  • What rate (or price) can I qualify for?
  • What can I do to help ensure that I get the “best life insurance” for me?

So, without further ado, let’s dive right in!

Can I qualify for life insurance after I’ve been prescribed Lumigan?

The last thing that we here at IBUSA would want to do is give someone the impression that having been diagnosed with glaucoma isn’t a serious thing because, if left untreated, it could ultimately lead one to become totally blind!

That said, however…

Life insurance companies aren’t all that worried about things like that. Instead, they’re worried about whether or not you’ve been diagnosed with a serious “life-threatening” medical condition or are likely to one day develop a serious “life-threatening” medical condition.

This is why…

Having been prescribed Lumigan (regardless of why) will not affect the outcome of your life insurance application. This leaves us at this point asking…

Why do life insurance companies care if I’ve been prescribed Lumigan?

Life insurance companies aren’t going to really “care” if you’ve been prescribed Lumigan. In fact, the only reason why they’re going to “notice” the fact that you have is that any time that you choose to apply for a traditional term or whole life insurance policy, it’s standard procedure for the insurance company to order what is called a “prescription database check” which will provide them (the insurance company) with a complete list of all the prescription medications that you have been prescribed.

The good news is…

Unlike many other prescription medications that can be used to treat a wide variety of different medical conditions, Lumigan isn’t used to treat any pre-existing medical condition that would make a life insurance company nervous.

But that doesn’t mean…

That a life insurance company isn’t going to want to ask you a whole bunch of other questions about yourself so that they can determine if there might be some “other” factor that could make you an “unacceptable” risk or a “higher risk” applicant.


Some of the questions will focus on your health, while others will focus on the health of those related to you and certain “lifestyle choices” that you have made or plan to make in the future, which could potentially make you a greater risk to them. Remember, if an insurance company decides to offer you a policy, that policy will be in effect for many years to come, so they really only have one chance to get it right!

This is why…

They ask so many questions, and why some of the questions may seem really weird at first. With that said, let’s just take a look at some of the most common questions you’d like be asked, including:

  • What is your date of birth?
  • What are your current height and weight?
  • Have you ever been diagnosed with any pre-existing medical conditions such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, or diabetes?
  • Have any of your immediate family members (mother, father, brother, or sister) ever been diagnosed with any serious pre-existing medical conditions such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, or diabetes?
  • Aside from Lumigan, are you taking any other prescription medications?
  • In the past 12 months, have you used any tobacco or nicotine products?
  • Do you have any issues with your driver’s license? Issues such as multiple moving violations, DUI, or a suspended license?
  • Do you currently participate or plan to participate in any dangerous hobbies?
  • Do you have any set plans to travel outside of the United States in the next year or so?
  • Are you currently working now?
  • In the past 12 months, have you applied for or received any form of disability benefits?

It’s also why we’ll sometimes recommend that someone choose to apply for a no-medical exam term life insurance policy instead of a policy requiring them to take a medical exam. This way, we may be able to avoid any “unwanted surprises” during underwriting.

What rate (or price) can I qualify for?

As we’ve already stated, the fact that you’ve been prescribed Lumigan really shouldn’t affect the outcome of your life insurance application. In fact, we would be totally surprised if an insurance underwriter even mentioned the fact that you’ve been prescribed it.


You’ll find that whatever “rate” you were able to qualify for before you were prescribed Lumigan is going to be the same “rate” that you’ll be able to qualify for after you were prescribed Lumigan. This brings us to the last topic that we wanted to discuss in this article, which is…

What can I do to help ensure that I get the “best life insurance” for me?

Because life insurance companies tend to use many “random” factors in determining who they will and won’t insure and at what price, we here at IBUSA have found that the “best” way for us to ensure that our clients can find the “best” life insurance policy that they can qualify for is to be sure to know our stuff and offer a ton of options.

You see…

By only employing true life insurance professionals who have tons of experience helping folks with all sorts of pre-existing medical conditions and then providing them with tons of options to offer their clients, we here at IBUSA truly do offer a one-stop-shop for folks looking to protect their families.

Now, will we be able to help out everyone who has been prescribed Lumigan?

No, probably not. But what we can tell you is that in addition to offering a wide variety of different term and whole life insurance policies, IBUSA has also worked very hard to establish relationships with many of the Best Final Expense Insurance Companies.

This way…

If someone isn’t able to qualify for a traditional life insurance policy, chances are there may be some other “type” of product that you CAN qualify for. So, if you’re ready to explore your options, just give us a call!

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