In this article, we wanted to take a moment to answer some of the most common questions we get from folks applying for life insurance after having been diagnosed with Angina or Ischemic Chest Pain.
Questions that will be addressed will include:
- Can I qualify for life insurance if I have been diagnosed with Angina?
- Why do life insurance companies care if I have been diagnosed with Angina?
- What kind of information will the insurance companies ask me or be interested in?
- What rate (or price) can I qualify for?
- What can I do to help ensure that I get the “best life insurance” for me?
So, without further ado, let’s dive right in!
Can I qualify for life insurance if I have been diagnosed with Angina?
Yes, individuals can and often will be able to qualify for a traditional term or whole life policy after being diagnosed with Angina. In fact, some may even be able to qualify for a No Exam Term Life Insurance policy.
The only problem is…
At least initially, it may be difficult to determine what kind of “rate” you might be able to qualify for because generally speaking, Angina can often be considered a symptom of coronary artery disease rather than the disease itself.
For this reason…
Most of the best life insurance companies (in our opinion) are first going to want to determine the “cause” of one’s Angina before they start making any assumptions about an applicant’s health.
Why do life insurance companies care if I have been diagnosed with Angina?
The main reason why a life insurance company is going to “care” if an individual has been diagnosed with Angina is that it is generally regarded as a “symptom” of coronary artery disease which as one can imagine is definitely a pre-existing medical condition that most (if not all) life insurance companies are going to “care” about.
This is why…
Once a life insurance company learns that you have been diagnosed with Angina, you can bet that they are definitely going to want to ask you a series of medical questions about your Angina and whether or not you are also experiencing other symptoms related to coronary artery disease?
What kind of information will the insurance companies ask me or be interested in?
- When were you first diagnosed with Angina?
- How old were you when you first experienced your Angina?
- Who diagnosed your Angina? A general practitioner or a cardiologist?
- What symptoms did you experience (if any) that led to your diagnosis?
- Chest pain?
- Pain in neck, arms, jaw or shoulder?
- General fatigue?
- Shortness of breath?
- Sweating?
- Dizziness?
- Etc, etc…
- What “kind” of Angina do you suffer from?
- Microvascular Angina?
- Stable Angina or Angina Pectoris?
- Unstable Angina or Cresendo?
- Variant Angina or Prinzmetal Angina?
- How often do you suffer from Angina now?
- What symptoms (if any) do you suffer from now?
- What treatment options have you pursued?
- What prescription medications (if any) are you currently taking now?
- Have any of your medications changed in any way over the past 12 months?
- Have you been diagnosed with heart disease?
- Have you suffered from a heart attack or stroke?
- Have you received any surgical procedures? Or been advised to have any?
- In the past 2 years have you been hospitalized for any reason?
- What is your current height and weight?
- In the past 12 months, have you used any tobacco or nicotine products?
- Are you currently working?
- In the past 12 months, have you applied for or received any form of disability benefits?
Now at this point…
It’s probably a good time to remind folks that we here at IBUSA aren’t doctors, nor do we have any medical training at all!
All we are…
Is a bunch of life insurance agents that just happen to be really good at help folks find and qualify for the life insurance policies that they’re looking for.
Which is why…
If you have any specific medical questions or concerns about your condition, you’re going to want to seek out a true medical profession because we’re just not going to help you out! But, if you’re looking for help finding the “Best” life insurance policy that you can qualify for, you’ve definitely come to the right place!
What rate (or price) can I qualify for?
Now, as you can see, there are many factors that are going to come into play when trying to determine what kind of “rate” you might qualify for. This is why it’s pretty much impossible to know of sure what kind of “rate” you might be able to qualify for or even if you’ll be able to qualify for coverage at all without at least speaking with you for a few minutes.
That said however…
There are some “assumptions” that we can make based on the “type” of insurance you’re looking for as well as the “kind” of Angina that you have been diagnosed with. For example, if you are looking to apply for a traditional term or whole life insurance policy, what you’re probably going to find is that if you have been diagnosed with:
- Microvascular Angina,
- Stable Angina or Angina Pectoris,
Or Variant Angina or Prinzmetal’s Angina (also referred to as “resting angina”), there is a somewhat decent chance that you might be able to qualify for a Standard rate assuming that you haven’t also suffered from a heart attack or myocardial infarction.
We should point out that even if you have been diagnosed with one of the aforementioned angina types and have suffered from a heart attack, there is still a reasonable chance that you may still be eligible for coverage only now you’ll most likely be considered a “higher risk” applicant which means that you’ll definitely want to be more careful with “which” life insurance company you choose to apply with.
Where one…
Will begin to run into trouble is when they have either been diagnosed with an unstable or crescendo angina or they were originally diagnosed with any kind of Angina prior to the age of 40. In cases like these, it’s possible that you may not be able to qualify for a traditional term or whole life insurance policy or you may have to limit the overall coverage amount that you’re looking for in order to be approved by a single life insurance carrier.
The good news is…
That while of this may seem super confusing; it really doesn’t have to be because here at IBUSA, we have a ton of experience helping folks with pre-existing medical conditions like your own find and qualify for the life insurance that they need. Which brings us to the last topic that we wanted to take a moment and discuss with you, which is…
What can I do to help ensure that I get the “best life insurance” for me?
In our experience here at IBUSA, we have found that usually, the folks who seem to find the “best” life insurance policy for them are those that:
- Take their time reviewing their options.
- Ask a lot of questions.
And seek out those life insurance agents who not only have experience working with individuals who have been diagnosed with a wide variety of pre-existing medical conditions but also have access to dozens of different life insurance companies so that when it comes time to helping a more “challenging” case, they don’t have to rely on a…
“One size fits all approach!”
The good news is that this is exactly what you’re going to find here at IBUSA !
Now will we be able to help out everyone who has been previously diagnosed with Angina?
No, probably not. But what we can tell you is that in addition to offering a wide variety of different term and whole life insurance policies, IBUSA has also worked very hard to establish relationships with many of the Best Final Expense Insurance Companies as well so that in the event that someone isn’t able to qualify for a traditional life insurance policy, chances are there may be some other “type” of product that you CAN qualify for.
So, if you’re ready to see what options might be available to you, just give us a call!